各位爸爸媽媽您好: 疫情目前趨緩不少,但日後不曉得是否還會有停課的日子,因此老師建設了本網站,若之後實體授課停止,採用線上遠距教學,每日相關訊息都將會在此網頁上公告,因此還請各位家長於停課時務必請孩子每天到本網頁確認消息喔!...
I started 111台南市仁愛國小五年三班 with the goal of offering readers a glimpse into my thoughts and experiences. What started out as weekly posts has evolved into a dynamic site packed with information about various topics that are near and dear to me. Take some time to explore the blog and see for yourself what makes you curious and eager. Read on and enjoy!